“SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) strikes fear into every parent’s heart, and that’s understandable. A normal, healthy baby can go to sleep and never wake up – for seemingly no reason. The medical community isn’t sure exactly what causes SIDS. But that doesn’t mean you’re helpless.

Here are three major risk factors for SIDS, along with ways to reduce them.

  1. Prematurity or low birth weight

Statistically, more premature babies die from SIDS compared to infants born after 37 weeks. The best way to make sure your pregnancy is progressing as it should is to visit a healthcare provider regularly. This allows them to identify and address any issues, so your baby stays in the oven as long as possible.

  1. Smoking

The data isn’t good: Babies whose mothers smoke during pregnancy are three times more likely to die of SIDS, and babies who are regularly around secondhand smoke are two times more likely.* If you are expecting a child, make every effort to quit smoking and keep your baby away from smoky areas. Find out more about how secondhand smoke harms infants. [link to https://new.bootheelbabies.org/secondhand-smoke-really-hurt-baby/]

  1. Unsafe sleep practices

Because SIDS typically occurs during sleep, it’s crucial to have a safe environment for your baby during naps and at night. The ABC’S of Safe Sleep is an easy guide to remember.

Babies sleep best

Alone, on their

Back, in a

Crib, or other

Safe Sleep Surface

This SIDS Awareness Month, resolve to make a difference for babies in your area. Learn how you can help save lives. [link to https://new.bootheelbabies.org/what-you-can-do/]

*Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, Mo.