Assemble Your Village

Take Care of Yourself! Everybody tells us to do that after having a baby, but who has the time? Babies take a lot of energy, most of our time, and do they ever sleep?? Taking care of yourself during these first few months with a newborn may seem like a low priority, but it’s not. …


So you’re having a baby!  You’ve likely spent months getting the baby’s room ready, buying supplies, and thinking about names. You’ve probably seen the doctor a gazillion times and spent hours in a childbirth class mapping out your birthing plan. But here’s a question:  Have you thought about what you will take to the hospital?  …

Bonding with Your Baby Has Benefits for Everyone

We’ve all probably heard of the maternal bond, but did you know there are benefits far beyond just soaking up those first, sweet months? Babies who bond with their parents are more likely to grow into confident, resilient adults. For parents, bonding with your baby may alleviate stress and help you navigate the early, exhausting times …

3 easy ways to soothe your baby

  Babies cry – all of them, and some more than others. It’s their way of communicating with us, whether they’re hungry, or tired, over-stimulated, in pain or simply unhappy. When it comes to calming your baby, start by checking off the typical culprits: Hunger, dirty diaper, fever, too hot or too cold. If your …

Q: How can I help my older child adjust to our new baby?

A: Welcoming a new baby is a big change for the entire family – especially siblings. Your older child may resent the new baby for taking away your attention. If you’re worried about whether your older child will adapt to a new baby in the house, here are some tips to make the transition easier. …

Q: When will my baby start sleeping through the night?

Newborns sleep approximately two to four hours at a time and will start to sleep for longer periods around four to six months old. However, they probably won’t start sleeping through the night until after the six-month mark. All babies are different, so your baby’s sleeping habits may develop at a faster or slower pace. …