
Have you ever woken up to realize you’re so tangled in the comforter you can’t move? It takes a few seconds of kicking and turning before you free yourself.

Now imagine you can’t kick or roll over, and the blanket is blocking your nose and mouth. You’re trapped.

This is a very real possibility for an infant who is covered by a blanket during sleep – with the wrong move, he or she cannot breathe. That’s why it’s best to keep blankets out of your baby’s crib.

Blanket-free sleeping may seem impractical during Southeast Missouri winters. After all, you must ensure your baby stays warm. Here are some blanket alternatives to keep your little one toasty and comfortable without increasing his or her risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS):
Sleep sack – This wearable blanket is designed so your infant will not become tangled. When choosing a sleep sack, make sure your baby has plenty of leg room to kick and stretch.
Swaddling – For infants less than two months old, this way of snugly wrapping babies can calm them and promote sleep. Learn more about safe swaddling.
Sleeper – This soft, warm garment – basically a onesie with legs and sleeves – keeps your baby cozy without a blanket.

Other uses for baby blankets

Even though keeping blankets in a crib is not safe, do not get rid of receiving blankets and baby quilts just yet. They are perfectly fine to use for play mats during tummy time or to put on the floor while your baby moves around. Just keep a careful eye on your infant, and move him or her to a safe sleep surface if he or she gets tired.

For other tips on how to ensure your baby sleeps safely, click here.

Disclaimer: If your baby has a fever or other symptoms, or you have concerns about the growth and development of your child, always seek care with your healthcare provider.