The No. 1 thing you can do to reduce your infant’s risk of SIDS

The possibility of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is one of the scariest things a parent can face. SIDS usually occurs during sleep, and experts aren’t exactly sure what causes it. Fortunately, they have been able to identify risk factors, meaning you can do more than just keep your fingers crossed. The best way to …

Why your baby shouldn’t sleep in a car seat

Babies sleep safest flat on their backs, in a crib or other safe sleep surface with a tightly fitted sheet. Car seats, strollers and swings all place babies in an upright position which, similar to sleeping on their tummies, puts them at risk for suffocation. This illustration from the National Institute of Child Health and …

3 reasons your baby should always sleep alone

Babies often wake up in the middle of the night – it’s what they do. Keeping your newborn in your bed so you are close by when the baby wakes may seem easier. However, sharing a bed with your infant increases his or her risk of injury and suffocation. Here are three reasons why bed-sharing …

3 signs a crib isn’t safe

Since 2011, the federal government has required crib manufacturers to follow strict guidelines, making newer cribs safer for your infant. However, there may be occasions when a new crib is not available, such as when you are away from home, or you may prefer to use a secondhand crib. Be sure to check a used …

4 tips for helping your baby sleep better

It’s important to realize that every baby is different – and that includes sleep habits.  From how fast they fall asleep to how long they sleep, babies often have minds of their own. But there are some easy things you can do to help promote better – and safer – sleep for your infant. No. …

How to safely swaddle

Swaddling is a way of snuggly wrapping an infant in a blanket. Although special swaddling blankets are available, a basic receiving blanket will also work. Newborns love to be swaddled because the warmth resembles their mother’s womb. When done correctly, swaddling can be a great way to calm infants and promote sleep. Babies can be …

Q: When will my baby start sleeping through the night?

Newborns sleep approximately two to four hours at a time and will start to sleep for longer periods around four to six months old. However, they probably won’t start sleeping through the night until after the six-month mark. All babies are different, so your baby’s sleeping habits may develop at a faster or slower pace. …

What exactly is a safe sleep surface?

We’ve all seen the store displays or the photos in magazines showcasing beautiful cribs overflowing with bedding, bumper pads, pillows, stuffed toys and more. It may make a pretty picture, but it can be a deadly combination in real life. Not only are those things unnecessary for your infant, they can actually be suffocation hazards …

Boxinettes for Babies: Saving infant lives with safe sleep solutions

Bootheel Babies & Families has teamed up with local hospitals, including Saint Francis Medical Center, Missouri Delta Medical Center and Twin Rivers Regional Medical Center to provide Bootheel families with safe sleep boxinettes. The program’s goal is to reduce infant mortality related to unsafe sleep habits – such as sharing beds or using unsafe bedding. …