At some point during your pregnancy, you may feel like it’s never going to end. But every day, you move closer to the big event. Before you get there, though, you have to prepare.

Here are some things to do during your final trimester to make sure you’re good to go before labor starts.

  • Don’t miss any appointments with your healthcare provider. As your due date nears, your provider will want to see you often – perhaps even once a week. Since things change so quickly during the final stage of pregnancy, it’s important to attend each appointment to ensure everything’s going as expected. Plus, your provider will talk through a delivery plan so you know what to do when you go into labor.
  • Review the symptoms of labor. Every woman is different, but some common signs you’re going into labor include feeling the baby move lower into your pelvis, cramps, back pain and increased vaginal discharge. If any of the following symptoms occur, it’s time to go to the hospital:
  • Your water breaks.
  • You experience bleeding or bright red discharge.
  • Your contractions have hit the consistency and frequency discussed with your provider.
  • Make sure you have enough baby supplies. Welcome your new addition home with
  • A properly installed car seat
  • Adequate clothing (onesies, sleepers, etc.)
  • Fitted crib sheets and receiving blankets
  • Diapers, wipes and diaper cream
  • Baby soap/shampoo and washcloths
  • Gentle laundry detergent
  • Feeding supplies
  • A first-aid kit with a baby thermometer
  • Set up the crib. Select a crib manufactured after 2011, and place only a mattress covered by a fitted sheet inside. To reduce their risk of suffocation and SIDS, babies sleep best Alone, on their Backs, in a Crib, or other Safe Sleep Surface. This means your child’s crib should not have bumper pads, blankets, pillows or stuffed animals. To find out more about reducing your infant’s risk of SIDS, visit this blog post. [link to]
  • Pack your hospital bag. Once labor starts, there’s no time to search for what you need to take to the hospital. Pack your bag in advance and set it in a convenient place, so you can grab it and go. Some things you’ll need include
  • Insurance card, photo ID and birth plan
  • Phone charger
  • Robe and warm, nonskid socks
  • Toiletries
  • Loose, lightweight clothes to wear home
  • Maternity bra
  • Snacks
  • Outfit for your baby to wear home
  • Take time to de-stress. A lot happens during the third trimester, and doing too much can take a toll on your health. Set aside time to do something you enjoy, whether it’s shopping, getting your nails done or watching a movie. Also, make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Aim for around seven hours each night, and take naps throughout the day if you’re sleepy. Your baby needs you to be healthy and as relaxed as possible when he or she makes an entrance.


Find more pregnancy and child care tips here. [link to]


Disclaimer: If your baby has a fever or other symptoms, or you have concerns about the growth and development of your child, always seek care with your healthcare provider.