Regional Partner Spotlight: Kaitlyn Kimball

We are excited to introduce you to Kaitlyn Kimball, on of our regional contacts working at the New Madrid County Resource Center.  Kaitlyn has worked side by side with Bootheel Babies & Families to provide constant communication on how we can better serve families and infants in our area.  We asked Kaitlyn a few questions …

Regional Spotlight: Rachelle Bennett

We’re sharing all the things we have to be thankful for during November! Rachelle Bennett is our regional hub partner serving Stoddard County at the Dexter Community Regional Healthcare Foundation. Why are you thankful for the work BBF does? I’m thankful for the focused data collection BBF does to identify causes of infant deaths and …

Regional Partner Spotlight: Sara Pierce

Say hello to Sara Pierce!  Sara is one of our regional contacts who works for the Scott County, SMSU Sikeston Campus office. Which positive outcomes that BBF is responsible for that make you most proud? I am so proud of the conversations that are continuing in the bootheel surrounding infant mortality.  We have been able …

SIDS: Actions Reduce Infant Risk

Whether you’re an expectant or experienced parent, grandparent, or caregiver, you’ve probably heard of SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome… and it’s scary. Although the exact cause is unknown, every person in an infant’s life can take action to help keep them safe. Precaution begins even before birth, as studies show that a mother’s health …

September is Infant Mortality Awareness Month

Sikeston, Mo. –  Over the last 10 years, 151 babies died in the Bootheel, and 28% of those deaths were related to being born too early. There is no single cause of premature birth, but research shows that a mother’s mental health and the stress she endures from her environment can strongly impact the development …

Toxic stress, mental health and Infant Mortality Awareness Month

Since September is Infant Mortality Awareness Month, we are focusing on mental health and how it can affect the healthy development of a child – even before birth. Stress and mental health go hand in hand. When you’re stressed, your body produces stress hormones, and as you overcome the stress, the hormones go away. This …

What causes shaken baby syndrome?

Infants cannot inform caregivers when something is wrong, and sometimes they cry and cry no matter how soothing a caregiver is. This is called the Period of PURPLE Crying. During this stage in a baby’s life, caregivers can become exhausted and hopeless. Tired and beyond stressed, they shake their baby in a fit of rage. …

The Period of PURPLE Crying and newborns

Becoming a baby’s caregiver is a joyful experience often accompanied by stress and worry. The first few months can be especially tense. There’s no shortage of stories from parents describing the moments their child became inconsolable, crying throughout the night seemingly without end. Moments like these can make caregivers feel helpless and like they’re bad …