
A safe crib includes a firm mattress and tightly fitted sheet. That’s it.

As you design your baby’s sleep surface, give some attention to what shouldn’t be included: blankets, pillows, toys, bumper pads and other babies. Here’s why:

1) Blankets and pillows

Because an infant doesn’t have the strength to move if his or her mouth and nose become covered, loose blankets and pillows increase the risk of suffocation and SIDS.

2) Toys

Like blankets and pillows, stuffed animals and other toys can cause suffocation or SIDS if they come near a baby’s face.

3) Bumper pads

Many parents use bumper pads to keep their baby from hitting his or her head on crib slats. But the risk associated with suffocation and SIDS from crib bumpers makes them too dangerous. As long as the spaces between slats are no more than 2 3/8 inches, your baby should be fine.

4) Other children

A baby should sleep alone – ALWAYS. Because children move around in their sleep, babies are at risk of being crushed or pushed off the bed. The chance of suffocation or SIDS is also higher when babies share an adult bed with caregivers.

Instead of adding blankets, crib bumpers and toys to your baby’s crib, focus on choosing a firm mattress, tightly fitted sheet and perfect sleep sack. And keep an eye out for these three signs a crib isn’t safe.

To learn more about creating a safe sleep surface for your infant, click here.

Disclaimer: If your baby has a fever or other symptoms, or you have concerns about the growth and development of your child, always seek care with your healthcare provider.